Dune du Pyla : natures gem not far from Biscarrosse

The Dune of Pyla is an exceptionnal nature site located at Pyla-sur-Mar, in the south west of France. This dune is the tallest in Europe, at 104 meters high.

Located a 30 minute drive away from the hotel, you can visit the dune and spend the day exploring Arcachon.

The dune of Pyla is a unique location that offers an amazing view of the Atlantic and the surrounding forest. Visitors can climb the dune and enjoy a breath taking panoramic view. It's the perfect place to take memorable photos and admire natures beauty.

The dune of Pyla is also a historic location. It was created over thousands of years of sand coming from the ocean. Today it a protected monument.

If you plan on visiting the dune, it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes and bring water. You should also look at the tide hours, at high tide the beach is not accessible.


dune de pyla